SayNoToRape: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH NAAS SOCIAL DIRECTOR IN FUNAAB (by Mr Kiddah) - Wakanewz Wakanewz | Nigeria's Most Visited Music, Entertainment and Lifestyle blog -->

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Mr Kiddah 👑: Good evening ma'am, how are you doing?

Evening sir, am good you?

 Mr Kiddah 👑: Fine ma, can you introduce yourself to us formerly?

I am Adetokunbo Adeyemi popularly known as MzBrown..A 300level student of the Federal university of agriculture Abeokuta..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Wow nice name, tell us ma how did you come about the nick "mz brown"?

I would say I got it out of "passion"..I am a dancer (professionally)..I took after my mentor named "Patricia Brown"

Mr Kiddah 👑: Okay cool, from your own opinion and perspective can you please define rape for us?

Rape is a type of sexual assaults wch involves sexual intercourse or any other form of sexual penetration carried out against a person without d person's consent.

Mr Kiddah 👑: Wow what a beautiful definition, what's your own view about rape?

 I see rape as a threat to one's life..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Why did you say so?

In a situation where someone been raped, either the person is suffering from any health problem or not it affects ones health physically and mentally that leaves that person in a very bad state. One which would take a long while to recover from.. Let now say the victim as been diagnosed of an illness and such incident happened, it's very certain it might cut off his/her life if care isn't taken.. That's why y I said I see RAPE as a threat to one's life..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Wow that's really touching, what do you have to say to people that blame themselves for being raped?

I think they owe that one to themselves mainly because they are still going through some mental trauma.. One doesn't get off such incident easily .

Mr Kiddah 👑: To some it leads to insanity ,does that means they can't get over it?

Not everyone, Not everyone is bold and courageous enough to face life..

Mr Kiddah 👑: So if they're not bold enough what should they do to over the self blame?

If they aren't, I will say for them to get over it lies in the hands of those that lives around them.. They should never be left alone. Words of encouragement, they should be cared for, lots of love..I am sure once they are able to get all this on a daily basis they will be able to get over the awful incident.. Not forgetting it all thou, they will b able to live to tell the story and luckily put it all to an end

 Mr Kiddah 👑: Hmmm true but hard to do, what's your own take on people that rape?

 It's so disheartening to see that people still have it in mind to steal forcefully from people.. They have nothing to say to justify their acts..

Mr Kiddah 👑: What do you think the world can do to stop this devilish act?

Hmm..I will say that this act itself is a personal.. One choose to it or not to do it.. But I think if server punishment are being given to this culprit others will learn from that..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Concerning the punishment i was talking to some people about it and they said that death penalty should be the punishment for rape, do you think its the best punishment?

As rape is a means of death to some peeps..I also agree that it should be a means of punishment.. No one wants to die..If those with this devilish minds get to see wat they would be in for if they commit the crime, am sure they might have a change of heart..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Hmmm but don't you think that's bad since a victim can get over the rape incident?

The chances of getting over it is very slim.. Most times not all get over it.. Some gets to live a traumatic life.

Mr Kiddah 👑: Oh oh, well it's nice having you on board ma'am...  But before you go ma just give us some words of advice

The pleasure is all mine.. As I do say and will always keep saying "the future is bright, but the journey is tacky..It takes the brave one to get to the to. Pray,Work,Learn and Never you relent on your goals to the top"..

Mr Kiddah 👑: Nice one ma'am
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