[Poem] Sitting on the coast (By Larrypresh) - Wakanewz Wakanewz | Nigeria's Most Visited Music, Entertainment and Lifestyle blog -->

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[Poem] Sitting on the coast (By Larrypresh)

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[Poem] Sitting on the coast (By Larrypresh)

[Poem] Sitting on the coast (By Larrypresh)

Sitting on the coast of the fence facing the north of my palms,
I saw the moon, lighting up the sky
I heard the sound of pain from the deep darkness that roll up the bush near the coast
The sound kept coming with more agony of pain
When I drew near to check what it could be
Thus it was a young lady battered  and weeping in pain
Drawn in a pool of her own blood
And when I asked her what actually happened
Slowly she answered , "I was raped... " I couldn't hear what she Wanted to say anymore
I felt so sorry that tears of affection was coming out of my eyes, I took her to the hospital for proper care
But thus before I got to the hospital she already loosed much blood and she could not survive it ...
She gave up the ghost after some minute and her soul went on an errand to take a rest in pain ....
The night covered her face and left no trace of her misfortune but the revenge was tough because it came from the Lord who takes revenge...
" Say no to rape"
Written by Larry presh ( Adewunmi Olanrewaju )
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