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RAPED (by Olafimihan)

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RAPED (by Olafimihan)

RAPED (by Olafimihan)


My body and soul is beyond broken
I had a lesson with a price
I still hold the truth that took me years to unfold
I am ready to speak cos I am weak.

I can't talk to anyone
No one understands No one believes me
No one feels my pain.

I wish you know the things I hold to
And I can't seem to let go of it
Cos no one hears me
No one cares.

Tears streams from my eye
Am overpowered by fear
I kept quiet for many years
The memories still haunt.

What the heck do I do
My voice keeps telling me no one cares
I can't shake that out
That my life.

I believe it my fault
For every rape and assault in my life
I can't get over it
I just have to open up

But a shame to you for hurting a girl
You thought u made me a victim
I am a *“survivor ”*
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