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Revealed: Top 5 Free Mobile Phone Apps for International Calls & 4 Ways to Reduce Data Usage on iPhone
1. KakaoTalk
Upside: If you are looking for more than just a free app to call
Nigeria, this is a great choice for you. Featuring a whole load of fun
features, games and stickers, KakaoTalk is a lot more than just a free
calling app.
Downside: If your friends and family back in Nigeria aren’t using
the app, they won’t be able to talk to you. KakaoTalk is unable to make
calls to landlines and non-users.
2. Hangouts
Upside: It is one of Google’s premier apps, which features some
interesting ways of keeping you connected with those you love. Its
reliable text service allows you to chat with people all over the globe
through the SMS and email.
Downside: Video calling functionality has yet to gain adequate prominence in Nigeria.
3. WeChat
Upside: It is very efficient while calling on this app. The social
media application is most unique for its method of ‘shaking’ phones to
add contacts. It took over the Nigerian mobile social media space using
local radio stations to give out money prizes.ý ýMost experts have
described it as the face of modern technology. Its voice clarity is
second to none.
Downside: It has been inconsistent in the last one year.
4. Viber
Upside: It is available across the world and is incredibly popular
in many regions. Its iOS app is well designed and a lot less likely to
crash than many of its more popular rivals.
Downside: If you’re not making calls to numbers/people without the
app, you may find yourself paying more per minute than comparable
5. ChilliTalk
Upside: ChilliTalk offers users completely free calls and texts to
other users. Additionally, users can make calls back to Nigeria on the
landlines. So, whether you have access to the Internet on your
smartphone or not, you can always make a call home.
Downside: We can’t find any faults with it.
Note: If you’re looking to find a free call app for Nigeria, it is
clear to see iPhone users are spoiled for choice. The downside to the
vast majority of these apps though is that they require both users to
have the application on their phone in order to make free calls. This
perhaps gives ChilliTalk app a slight edge: allowing you to switch to
local dialling for extremely low cost calls.
Try them all out and see for yourself. Be sure to take advantage of the power of free iPhone calling apps!
Four Ways to Reduce Data Usage on iPhone
1. Disable cellular app updates
Automatic updates of apps will always take a toll on your data
allotment. So, make sure apps are updated only when you are on WiFi. Go
to Settings > iTunes & App Stores and turn off Use Cellular Data.
2. Disable WiFi Assist
Wi-Fi Assist is a great feature where your iPhone hands off a weak
Wi-Fi signal to your cellular network to prevent pages from loading
slowly or not at all as it clings to the last remnants of a Wi-Fi
signal. If you sit on the edge of a Wi-Fi network at work, say, then
your cellular network may be assisting more than you’d like and running
up data charges.
To disable Wi-Fi Assist, go to Settings > Cellular and scroll all the way to the bottom to turn off Wi-Fi Assist.
3. Disable background app refresh
iOS apps can update in the background, grabbing new content as they
sit idle so they can show you the latest news when you return to them.
Go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and you can turn
this setting off completely or go the a la carte route from the list
below and choose which apps update in the background.
4. Disable iCloud Drive on cellular
If you use iCloud Drive to shuttle documents in and out of the
cloud, those data transfers can add to your bill, especially over a
cellular connection. You can restrict iCloud Drive to Wi-Fi only by
going to Settings > iCloud > iCloud Drive and scrolling to the
bottom and turning off Use Cellular Data.
Credits: Punch / Nairaland / ChilliTalk
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