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Things You Didn't Know about Menstruation By Akinola Temitayo [Some Listed Point Will Shock You]
Menstruation is a normal biological process and a sign of reproductive health,yet in many cultures it is treated as something shameful or dirty. The continued silence around menstruation combined with limited access to information at home and school results in millions of girls having very little knowledge about what is happening to their bodies when they menstruate and how to deal with it
To start with, Menstruation is the monthly shedding of the lining of a woman's uterus(womb). Menstruation is also known as the terms period,menses etc. The menstrual blood which is partly blood and partly tissues from d inside of the uterus which flows from the uterus through the cervix and out of the body through the vagina
Young girls typically start menstruating at an average of 12years. However some can begin menstruation as early as 8years or as late as 16years. Women stop menstruating at menopause which occurs at about 51years
What is a normal menstrual cycle
It is a term used to define the sequence of events that occur within a woman's body as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy each month. A menstrual cycle is considered to begin on the first day of a period and the average cycle is 28days. A period can range in length from 21days to about 35days
Symptoms of normal menstruation
👉trouble sleeping
👉food craving
👉cramps in the lower abdomen and back
👉tenderness in the breast
Signs of healthy menstruation
✍🏼 Cervical fluids during ovulation. A healthy menstrual cycle should have cervical fluids which is an indicator of an healthy menstruation
✍🏼 Color of period
The menstrual blood should be cranberry red,if it is dark red it could be a sign that something is wrong in the body.
✍🏼 Period of menses
It should be between 25-35days
✍🏼 Duration of period
Normal menstrual bleeding lasts for 5days.
Foods to take during menstruation
Vegetables: women lose about 30-80ml of blood and 15-25ml of iron during each menstruation so it is important to replenish lost iron
Fruits e.g Banana,pineapple,cherries
Nuts and seeds e.g walnuts
Vitamins and supplements
E.g Vit E, Vit B6, VitC and Zinc
Ways of disposing used sanitary pads in an hygienic way.
While disposing used pads it is wrong to flush them directly in the toilet. But the right ways are
👉fold the used pads ensuring that the adhesive part is out and the blood is covered
👉wrap the adhesive part with tissue paper and place them back from the where it was removed,neatly wrapped and dispose in a waste bin or better still burn d used pads .
This article is aimed at educating people about healthy menstruation...
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