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Mr Kiddah: Good day ma'am, how are you doing?
I'm doing well and okay, thank you.
Mr Kiddah: That's good to know
We'd like to know you formerly.. Can we know your full name ma'am
Yes... My names are Mbonu Linda Oluebube
Mr Kiddah: Wow lovely names , this definitely means you're from a tribe far from here..
Which one of the lovely Nigerian tribes do you originate from?
Imo state
Mr Kiddah: Lovely
You seem to be very professional and good at music, we'd like to know how you became so good at it?
I don't know how, i could sing since i was very little... And i just love singing and music generally. Like i could sing anytime.
Mr Kiddah: That means it's a gift from Nature/God
That's just what it is.
Mr Kiddah: So how come you can play the guitar, I've personally witnessed you play the strings before
Lol... I love musical instruments generally, i don't play the guitar per-say, i like to play with it sometimes, can only pull a few stuffs on the strings, stopped learning because i didn't have time to balance that with my school work, also because i have so much more love for the piano... I play that better than the guitar actually.
Mr Kiddah: So you mean you play the keyboard too, wow that's really awesome
Mr Kiddah: Let's divert a bit, i can recollect you showcasing a clothing line and some other fashion related accessories during a fashion show tagged Ankara Night... This got us wondering if you are also into the fashion line, can you help us clear our doubts on that.
Yea... I'm also an Ankara craft designer, i learnt that while awaiting admission into the university back then and i got my cert on that. So yes, i did have a showcase that night. You know quite a lot, i'm impressed and surprised too i must say.
Mr Kiddah: Hmmm lovely i must confess, how do you combine your Ankara Craft and Music without any setbacks or complications
Well... Ankara craft designing is not something i do all the time, i only work on demand. So it's not been stressful at all... Besides, i don't see music as stressful in a way. So there hasn't been any setbacks or complications, at least not yet.
Mr Kiddah: There has been news going round that you just bagged a deal with LEE EMPIRE, how true is that?
Yes that's very true. Lee Empire's a promising brand and i know that nobody has ever made it alone, i can't do it alone, if i want to go further with my music, i have to start from somewhere, and what better way can i start than with my own people here, before getting out there. Lee Empire's promising as i said earlier, and the management's willing to support however i might need their support. I'm not looking at whether the brand is big or not. I see them going far, they are zealous and really supportive. I wasn't sure at first, but now i think it'd be okay for a start. I signed in as a freelancer tho, meaning if i get better opportunities i can go for it and they said it'd be their pride to have started it.
Mr Kiddah: A touching one right here..
What should we expecting from you and Lee Empire soon
Something... Working on something real cool.. Ya'll just wait for it.
Mr Kiddah: Wow I'm 100% sure it's going to be something great...
Before we end this interview I'd like to ask just one last question.
How do you combine music and school?
Wow! Well, i don't know how i do it but i just do. I take my academics very serious, i study when i'm supposed to study. That's what more important now. As much as i love music i wouldn't want to fail at school, so i don't push myself too much. I balance both, when i'm to study i do, and because music is just that natural part of me, i do it with ease, besides i'm not doing it on a major, like not so much that it'd affect my studies. I have less than a year to be done with school, so i'm going to face it. Do my music on an easing level and face it hardcore when i'm done. I have time and i'm not one major star yet, so music has not become stressful enough to affect my academics.
Mr Kiddah: I must admit to the fact that I've actually learnt a lot from this little conversation we had, to say I'm impressed is an understatement...
Before you go it's been our tradition to ask people to advice the public on whatever they deem fit... We'd be happy and glad if you'd do the same for us🙏
Let me get this right.I should advice the blog or what?
Mr Kiddah: The public (everyone who is going to read this interview)
Okay..I'd just like to say that anything worth doing at all is worth doing well... I'm sure we all know that. I'd also like to advice that everyone try as much as to build their inner gift, someday it'ld surely pay. Might be global or on a low, all i know is that when you do what you love, you'd always do it right, and even if others don't appreciate it, you would have at some point felt proud of yourself and you'd have felt some inner joy.
Mr Kiddah: This is so touching, nice having you ma'am 🙏
Thanks for having me.
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