Bruised [By Po3tiQue] - Wakanewz Wakanewz | Nigeria's Most Visited Music, Entertainment and Lifestyle blog -->

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Bruised [By Po3tiQue]

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Bruised [By Po3tiQue]

Bruised [By Po3tiQue]


Threaded this path,with fear and doubt

With skepticism that my courage sieves
I passed the land where dark thoughts dwell

I walked with my eyes, my legs and ears
That secure my back: if sounds are close
as I envelop myself in white-gowned fright

My heart opted to leave my throat
After realising I was being followed by a lout
My legs were heavy, in fear I grope
I thought of screaming yet couldn't shout

Birds couldn't fly when I was laid in pains
I counted grieves in that broken night
My bruised future served me a plate of fear
As I feed my doubt With husk and gout
I moan in pains as he pierced my soul

                                  Used to satisfy
Someone's urge

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1 comment

  1. Beautiful piece. Please more of this and you will have me as a regular visitor.


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