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What It Means To Be Romantic In A Relationship (By Mr Kiddah)

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What It Means To Be Romantic In A Relationship (By Mr Kiddah)

What It Means To Be Romantic In A Relationship (By Mr Kiddah)

What It Means To Be Romantic In A Relationship.
Being romantic in a relationship is not all about how well you can kiss, how well you’re good in bed. It goes a long way beyond that, being romantic is one of the key factors that keeps a relationship going, sometimes I look at some very old couple and I get jealous of them. I’m going to be talking about different meanings of being romantic in a relationship.
-          LEVEL OF CARE:
An uncaring fiancé is on the verge of losing the love of his/her life, this actually to guys mostly. Ladies are fragile and soft heartened beings, they always expect 100% of care from the guys. Ladies believe this is the main source of romance in relationship, well to some extent it is very true. An uncaring relationship is a dead relationship. If there is low level of care in a relationship that means something is wrong somewhere and if care is not taken it’ll to the end of the relationship

this boost the relationship when you buy fiancé a gift without he/she asking for it, this triggers an emotion in each individual. That they the person whom the gift was bought for will be so happy and joyful, you might even notice unnecessary smiles on her face which depicts he/she is actually blushing/happy about the gift.

-          LEVEL OF RESPECT:
 nowadays most couples don’t really consider this as one of the factors of being romantic , well this is one of the major factors of being romantic, in a relationship where there is no respect there will not a high level of love which might later lead to early breakup. When there is respect in a relationship both individuals will be happy that their fiancée has respect for them , their opinions, their decisions unlike some other relationships where is no respect . each individual in such relationship will be bossy and will always want to make the decisions  . well sometimes its necessary to be bossy but it shouldn’t be in an abnormal manner. This increases the level of romance in the relationship.

-          LEVEL OF PRIVACY:
This has been one of the major factors that leads to breakup in a relationship, like a saying goes thus “whenever you intrude your finance privacy , youll always find what you don’t want to see” , this is due to lack of the trust in the relationship. Imagine a relationship where the guy leaves his alone with his girl and the girl starts going through his personal messages and files, tell me will she something good or bad to her? And once they see this they misinterpret it  when there is a certain level of privacy in a relationship it boost the level of trust in the relationship which is very romantic.

-          DATES / HANGOUTS:

Being romantic in a relationship is not restricted to how much you text or chat with one another. One of what it means to be romantic in a relationship is the ability for both individual to hangout or go on a date . this will enable them to get to ech other , what is more romantic than you knowing more about your fiancé . wwhile hanging out they’ll have so much fun which is very romantic because at that moment both individuals will be very happy even if anyone of them was sad before.
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